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Do you feel self-conscious of saggy or flabby arms? Is it difficult to wear blazers because of excess skin and fat between your elbows and armpits? You are not alone. The upper arms are often difficult to spot-tone, and when they are bulkier or droopier than you like, they can interfere with self-confidence.

Arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, creates a leaner arm shape by eliminating excess skin and fat and wrapping the skin tighter around the smaller arm contour. Dr. Ali Roham is the arm lift surgeon of choice for individuals in Santa Ana, San Clemente and all surrounding local areas; patients from all over the nation even visit Dr. Roham due to his expertise with the procedure.

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Arm Lift Candidates

Most arm lift candidates have developed folds of loose skin and lax tissues due to weight fluctuations, the aging process or merely the effects of gravity. They have usually discovered that diet and exercise do little to tone the arms, which appear saggy and “heavy” despite weight-loss efforts.

If you are exploring arm lift as a solution to your aesthetic needs, you should be in good health and not have any ongoing health concerns that could affect the surgery or recovery. You should be a non-smoker, or if you smoke, you should quit several weeks before surgery.

Every candidate meets with Dr. Roham to discuss their needs and formulate a treatment plan. Some candidates opt to combine arm lift with other body contouring procedures as needed to achieve their ideal shape.

Procedure Details & Recovery

Arm lift is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so patients can recover at home the night of the surgery. Anesthesia is used for total patient comfort. To begin, Dr. Roham creates small incisions in the natural skin creases and transitions; through the incisions, he uses liposuction techniques to remove excess fat cells and contour the arms. He removes excess folds of skin and wraps the skin smoothly around the tissues.

When Dr. Roham is finished making the surgical modifications, he closes the incisions with sutures and places compression garments around the arms. The slight compression helps to support the healing arm tissues.

Swelling and bruising are common aftereffects with arm lift. Any discomfort can be easily managed with oral pain medication. Plan to take one to two weeks off from work as you recover.

Dr. Roham will ask you to refrain from any heavy lifting or straining during your initial recovery to avoid putting undue pressure on the healing tissues. He will check on you during follow-up appointments to ensure your arms are healing optimally. Dr. Roham will give you the go-ahead to resume work, exercise and the rest of your regular activities when he feels it is safe.

As long as you maintain a stable body weight, you should be able to enjoy the results of your arm lift long-term. Gaining a significant amount of weight can have a deleterious effect on your surgical outcomes. If you need to, talk to Dr. Roham or your primary care physician about ways to keep your weight stable.

Learn More About Arm Lift

For more information about how arm lift can give you the slim, sculpted arms you desire, please request a consultation with Dr. Ali Roham. Call or email our office today to schedule your appointment.