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When it comes to attractive breasts, shape is just as important as size. But over time, many women find their breast shape changes, leaving them feeling less than confident and uncomfortable in certain styles of clothing and bathing suits.

Breast lift, otherwise known as mastopexy, is designed to improve the shape and position of flat, saggy breasts. When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Ali Roham, breast lift can create a beautiful, youthful bustline. If you feel self-conscious of your breasts —particularly after having children — breast lift is likely the answer to your needs.

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Candidacy for Breast Lift

Women seek out breast lift for a variety of reasons. Most are dismayed to find that their once-pert, perky breasts have flattened and sagged after having children and breastfeeding (particularly breastfeeding multiple children). Others have lost their appealing breast contour after fluctuating in weight. And some women haven’t had children, breastfed or fluctuated dramatically in weight — yet their breasts have changed due to the natural aging process. Breast lift is appropriate in virtually all of these scenarios.

To qualify for surgery, candidates should be in good physical health and free from any ongoing health conditions that could compromise the safety of surgery and/or anesthesia. Women interested in breast lift should not smoke or should be able to quit several weeks prior to the procedure.

The first step toward perkier, more youthful breasts is a consultation with Dr. Roham to evaluate your needs and goals. Dr. Roham can answer all of your questions about the procedure and recovery and will provide you with a step-by-step plan to prepare for surgery.

Procedural Details

Breast lift is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you will undergo surgery and return home the same day to start your recovery.

To begin the procedure, Dr. Roham creates the incisions on the breasts. There are several incision patterns he can use, depending on your specific anatomy and the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. For instance, he may make a circular incision around the areola. Or he may extend the circular incision vertically down to the crease where the bottom of the breast meets the torso. If Dr. Roham needs to remove a lot of skin, he can further extend the incision horizontally along the breast crease. The two of you will determine the incision pattern during your pre-operative consultation.

Through the incision, Dr. Roham lifts and firms the breast tissue and repositions the nipple-areolar complex higher on the breast mound. If you are self-conscious of oversized areolas, Dr. Roham can reduce their size. The surgeon removes excess breast skin and tightens the remaining skin. When he is finished, he closes the incisions and wraps a compression garment around the breasts.

You have the option of adding saline or silicone implants to your breast lift if you wish to improve the size as well as the shape of your breasts. Breast lift with implants is a popular component of many mommy makeovers.

Recovering From Breast Lift

After returning home from your breast lift surgery, plan to limit your normal activities for at least two weeks. During your first week of recovery, you will spend most of your time resting as your body recuperates. Avoid bending, straining and lifting anything heavy. You will have a comprehensive list of instructions for incision care to follow.

Dr. Roham will schedule follow-up appointments to check your healing progress and clear you to return to work, exercise and the rest of your normal routine. If you have any questions in between appointments, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Request a Breast Lift Consult With Dr. Roham Today

For more information about transforming flat, sagging breasts with breast lift, request a consultation with Dr. Roham today. Respected locally and nationally for his surgical skill, Dr. Roham is excited to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.